Thursday, April 19, 2012

TRAX - 아직은... 나 (I can Change)

One of the songs that would never leave my music player. I'm not sure but if I'm not mistaken, it's composed by the very own Jungmo. It's his fabulous and calming acoustic guitar playing in this song that captivated my heart at the first time. And when I listen to the lyrics... I fell harder for the song. Unfortunately, there's only one live performance for this song--and Jungmo just had to make it 'special' by playing piano instead of guitar. Gah. I want to see them perform this live--with Jungmo on acoustic guitar!

It's a kind of songs which no matter how hard you search for the English translation, you wouldn't find any. I've been searching for the existing translation for years, but all I found were just the romanization and a Vietnamese translation. Since I'm now on 2nd year of my major, I decided to give it a try on translating this. Turned out the lyrics were quite simple (yet so touching). So, enjoy. Remember to credit if you wanted to take this translation.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tersindir dan nyelekit --tapi masih tetap suka

너도 나처럼. Begitu keluar teaser dan judul lagu comeback-nya 2AM, saya langsung mengkerut. Wew. Pasti ada apa-apanya, pasti nyakitin, pasti nyelekit. Dan memang benar saja... Begitu MV-nya dirilis, selesai satu putaran, bah.. rasanya saya kayak ditusuk-tusuk abis-abisan. Liriknya... nyindir abis. Hehehe.

Kim Donghoon dan Bang PD bener-bener deh. Raja tega.

너도 나처럼 / I Wonder If You Hurt Like Me

하루종일 니 생각만 하다가
한 가닥 눈물이 멋대로 주르륵 흐른다

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rule of fanfic?

Mau fanfic anda banyak dibaca orang? Gampang. Buat saja tokoh utamanya anggota boyband yang lagi naik daun (i.e. Myungsoo-nya Infinite). Dijamin pasti banyak yang baca dan kasih komentar, mau kayak apapun ceritanya. Hehehehe.

*dari pengalaman memposting dua oneshot dalam waktu yang hanya jeda beberapa menit, tetapi mendapatkan reaksi yang jauh berbeda, karena yang satu tokoh utamanya Jinwoon sedangkan yang satunya lagi Myungsoo. Silakan klik untuk lihat buktinya.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Going crazy

대박은 한국산문 시험을 보자마자 순다어 시험을 보는 것이다.

Sumpah dah, hari ini triple shot sekalii.
Pagi-pagi 말하기, trus lanjut 한국산문, dan tanpa jeda, ke Bahasa Sunda Dasar.


Yasudahlah, yang penting sekarang nonton Yoohwan :D