Friday, September 28, 2012

going back to the old days: fangirling

oh lemme. don't stop meeeeh.

Because the boys need more love.

Be strong for the promotion and your upcoming-tight schedules.
Be sure that your fans' love stay with your steps.


Tolong fokuskan perhatian Anda pada rambutnya saja ya, saudara-saudara. Don't compare the faces. Even if you found their hairstyle don't look alike, please bear with me ^^

Jadi ceritanya makhluk yang berada di foto sebelah kanan itu sekonyong-konyong pada suatu hari mengupload foto di mana ia terlihat memotong rambutnya dan mengubah warna rambutnya. Yang bikin saya jeng jeng adalah kok ya modelnya bisa mirip banget (buat saya) sama model dan warna rambut Abang Bungsu di Catch Me. Iya sih warnanya nggak terlalu mirip di foto ini tapi kan ada foto-foto lain di mana Changmin rambutnya lebih gelap dari ini.

So what's the point of this post?
Just want to share this picture I edited (joint) a few minutes ago ^^

Sunday, September 9, 2012

나만 아는 이야기... after five years

After five years,
We met again. Accidentally.

But sure it brings back those old memories...

September 8, I don't know what would that meeting cause. I don't know if it would wake up anything--

but I noticed you didn't look as good-looking as you used to be. Hahahaha.

(at least I can laugh at you)