The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
The Age of next birthday:
Yeaa sweet seventeen! 17 jadi spesial karena di umur itu gue bisa dapet KTP and I'm really dying to get it now coz I wanna vote in this year General Election :D Besides, KTP lagi jadi topik paling asyik di kelas. Temen-temen yang udah punya KTP dicengin abis, dikatain tua. But I'm sure within a month, soal KTP ini akan berubah jadi semacam gengsi karena sebagian anak akan udah punya KTP. Banyak yang lahir Februari 92 soalnya.Place I'd like to Travel:
Asahiyama zoo, Japan. Coz there are polar bears there.The ones I once saw in Taman Safari had died in 2004 and 2005. Untill now they still don't get any other polar bears [but now they have penguins in polar bears' aquarium]. Ugh if it's possible I do want to hug those big-white-furry bears :)
A Favorite Place:
The picture talks enough I think. The same as Kak Arma, hehehe.A Favorite food:
Cadbury Diary Milk. But Silverqueen Almond will be OK too.A Favorite Thing:
Teddy bear. I've slept with Teddy bear since I was 4 until now and he still looks the same as the first time my aunt gave it to me. I really take a good care of him.
City I was born:
Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, one of the never-sleeps-city in the world. Biar kata Jakarta macet, polusinya tinggi, rawan kejahatan, banjir mulu sana-sini, biaya hidup mahal, bodo amat.
Biar kata orang musibah, bagiku kau anugerah.Itu kata The Changcuters. Gak anugerah-anugerah banget sih... Tapi gue tetep lebih suka Jakarta meski tinggal di Depok. Kalo disuruh pindah ke kota lain, Bandung for example, no way dah. I love Jakarta.
Nickname I had:
Nizz. Anis. These are what I got for those nicks.
A Favorite Color:
Lavender everywhere...
College major:
Belom kepikiran. Antara psikologi-manajemen-sastra-hubungan internasional. Perhatikan, tak ada satupun yang nyambung dengan jurusan gue sekarang. Hahahahaha... Emang berniat gak mau kuliah di jurusan IPA!
Name of My Love:
I'd like to place Max Shim Chang-min of Dong Bang Shin Ki pict here, but I do know what kind of love that I have for him, so... I''ll fill this later; five-seven-ten years to go, maybe? Who knows ^^
A Hobby:
Since everybody put reading in this category, so I choose gardening as mine :)
A Bad Habit:
Tadinya nggak panikan, tapi setelah masuk SMA jadi mulai kebiasaan. Sepertinya meniru seseorang tersayang nih :) Padahal seseorang tersayangnya kayaknya udah mulai sembuh, malah gue yang kena. Hahahahaha...
My Wishlist:
Success. With all my goals completed then live happily ever after with my family. Oh, whatta wonderful world...
Yoooshh, tujuh manusia selanjutnya harap lakukan hal yang sama:
Annisa Sharafina
Rona Cahyantari Merduaty
Hanis Deluxia
Shabrina Adani
Zulfah Fadhilah
Haydar Salman
Yanuar Rizki Pahlevi