Thursday, March 20, 2014

Glad I did something useful

8 Maret 2014, pas lagi ngaso di kamar main internetan berusaha untuk memikirkan ayam dan bebek serta musang tercinta saya (baca: skripsi saya), tiba-tiba ada notifikasi di Twitter. Ada akun yang mention saya.

"dan akhir kata gue ucapkan terimakasih buat kak @usernametwittersaya atas tulisan2 diblognya, yg telah (cont) "

Wih, kaget dong saya, tahu-tahu ada akun yang mention bilang terima kasih begitu. Perasaan saya nggak habis ngetwit apa-apa yang bermanfaat... /plak/

Usut punya usut, setelah saya buka profil yang ngemention saya itu, ternyata dia baru abis serial tweets.


1. 생일 정말 축하한다 유현이와 유희야! 이젠 22살 ㅋㅋ
같은 날에 태어나줘서 고마워 유현이 *하트하트*

2. Selamat ulang tahun Ayah \^0^/

3. Happy belated birthday Taeyeon (25), Jooyoung (23), and Yoohwan (23)!

4. My application documents have arrived safely at Kyung Hee University ^^

Sunday, March 2, 2014

"Just let me listen to your breath"

Of course I am biased. Of course I listen to Changmin's ver, even though his duet partner is Krystal.

But all versions of Breath strongly remind me to Tim's Saranghamnida. The melodies here and there... not that they are similar, but they give off the same vibe and feels.

Then again, SM was kind enough to let Zhang Li Yin sings the Chinese ver. I was that close to tears when I heard the news (and add the fact they put her together with Chen). But still, still~

Breath will never be able to beat Timeless.
At least for me.

Well, Timeless is just the perfect package: the perfect singing duo and the best storyline SM has ever come up for an MV. SM will never be able to remake that--hey, don't forget our lovely Xiah and Han Geng are no longer there.

(and why the hell I post about this mellow song when I should be playing happy, energetic songs for tomorrow)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March has come!

Here comes the month I love the most out of the year!

We have sooo many birthdays waiting: mine, dad & mom, twinnie, Jooyoung oppa, Yoohwan oppa, Taeyeon onni, Sandeul, Minseok oppa, Jaehong oppa, my old friends, ... the list can go on forever.

And then they said March 2014 is packed up with comebacks: DBSK, SNSD, Shinhwa, etc. etc., and ... K.Will :3

What else is there to be anticipated?

Oh yeah. My favorite date after March 3rd: March 9th :)

And finally... Stepping into March means I have to step into chapter 3 of my graduation thesis :|
But I won't let it ruin my lovely March! I will work hard to keep this March as lovely as other March I have passed!

Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI part#3

Ceritanya hari ini saya baru habis bimbingan skripsi dan mengumpulkan bab 2. Trus niatnya mau mengupload SIPRESMA sebelum bulan Februari habis, tapi karena melihat rincian isian websitenya saya tiba-tiba kehilangan selera.

Posting hari ini dipicu oleh komentar anonymous di post saya sebelumnya.
"Kak aku mau tau dong tips2 biar lulus di prodi korea.. apa harus pinter bahasa korea dulu atau gimana?"

Oh, tidak, tidak sama sekali. Seperti yang sudah saya tegaskan sebelumnya, di sebelas program studi bahasa di FIB UI, semuanya mulai dari awal. "Dimulai dari nol," seperti kata petugas pom bensin Pertamina. Kecuali program studi Inggris, semua program studi memiliki matakuliah Bahasa I-VI. Jadi kalau mahasiswa prodi Korea seperti saya, saat semester 1 saya harus ikut kuliah Bahasa Korea I, semester 2 ikut Bahasa Korea II, begitu seterusnya sampai semester 6. Begitu juga teman saya yang kuliah di prodi Jepang, harus ambil Bahasa Jepang tiap semesternya.